Nelson, Flip a rhythm 1/2

Preis: 26,00 €

auf Lager

Art.-Nr.: 0042275

EAN: 9790060097713

Nelson, Sheila M.
Flip-a-rhythm Vol. 1+2 (+Online Audio files)
2 Bände in einem Heft

The ingenious rhythm game from Sheila Nelson. Two books in one!

Flip-A-Rhythm 1 & 2 is a collection of 144 four-bar rhythms.

Book 1 contains 72 rhythms in 4/4 time. Simply flip the book over to find
Book 2 72 more difficult rhythms in 3/4 time.

Each rhythm can be paired with any of
36 alternatives, giving over 1,000 combinations for each time signature.
Count or tap to keep a steady pulse.
Play rhythm duets, add pitch to make a tune, or count the beats aloud while
tapping one line with each hand.

Visit www.boosey.com/flip-a-rhythm to access audio files for all 144
individual rhythms.

Also available Flip A Rhythm 3 & 4 (ISMN 979-0-060-10768-9) containing 72
rhythms in 6/8 and 72 rhythms in 9/8 time.
Verlag:Boosey & Hawkes Publishers Ltd.

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