21 Masques dances of the early 17th Century

Preis: 17,50 €

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Versandfertig innerhalb von 6-8 Wochen.

Art.-Nr.: 0022390

EAN: 9990050128766

21 Masques Dances of the early 17th Century for soprano instrument and bc
adsons masque
first witches dance
second witches dance
johnsons flat masque
sir francis bacons masque
cuparareeor Gray's Inn
second of Gray's Inn
The Nymphs dance
the satyrs masque
the mountebanks dance at grayes inne
the standing masque
the king's mistresse
wilson's love
williams his love
Bateman's Masque
the first of Sir John Paggingtons
the second of sir John Paggintons
the third of sir John Paggington
Grays Inne Masque
the second of the prince
Verlag:London Pro Musica Edition

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