Die große Folksong Collection

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Art.-Nr.: 0012991

EAN: 9790204547005

Die große Folksong-Collection für Blockflöten (SATB, SSTB oder SAAB)
Lutz, Willibald, bearb.

Alabama John Cherokee

Alas my Love =


A long Time ago

A Londonderry Air

Amazing Grace
As i was walking
Autumn comes
Annie Laurie
De Camptown Ladies
By yon Bonnie Banks
Ev'ry Person in the Nation
Deep the Silence
For he's a jolly good Fellow
Gone are the Days
Good Night Ladies
Gonna lay down my Burden
Go tell it on the Mountain

Hang down your Head

He's got the whole World

I'll sing you a Song

In a Cavern

I come from Alabama

In the dark of the Winter

It's a long Way to Tipperary
Johnny come down to Hilo
I've been a wild Rover
Kum ba yah my Lord
Lost my Partner
My Bonnie is over the Ocean
Love oh Love
Gälische Volksweise
Michael row the Boat ashore
Oh where have you been
Old Abe Lincoln
Oh give me a Home
Oh nobody knows
Oh say were you ever in Rio Grande

Oh when the Saints

Old Mac Donald

Should auld Acquaintance

Sweet Kitty Clover

Sweet Sixteen

Swing low sweet Chariot

The Gospel Train
The Hunt is up
The Keeper would ahunting go
There is a House in New Orleans
There's Music in the Air
There's a yellow Rose in Texas
Way down upon the Swanee River
What shall we do with the drunken Sailor
When Israel was in Egypt's Land
When are we gonna get married
Yankee Doodle
Verlag:Heinrichshofen Verlag

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