Hit Movie & instrumental Solos

Preis: 17,95 €

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Art.-Nr.: 0045754

EAN: 9781470639310

Hit Movie and TV Instrumental Solos (+MP3-CD) for tenor saxophone
Instrumental Playalong with MP3 and TNT2 Software and PDF of Piano
Songs and Themes from the latest Movies and Television Shows
City of Stars from La La Land
Another Day of Sun from La La Land
Mia & Sebastian's Theme from La La Land
A Man and His Beasts from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Newt Says Goodbye to Tina / Jacob's Bakery from Fantastic Beasts and Where to
Find Them
Kowalski Rag from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Heathens from Suicide Squad
Ghostbusters from Ghostbusters
Everything Is Awesome from The LEGO« Movie
Runnin' Home to You from The Flash
Beauty and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast
Amazons of Themyscira from Wonder Woman
Westworld: Opening Theme from Westworld
Just Like Fire from Alice Through the Looking Glass
Verlag:Alfred Music Publishing GmbH

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