The articulate jazz musician

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Art.-Nr.: 0034052

EAN: 9780739094488

Chapman, Caleb
The Articulate Jazz Musician (+CD) for concert band e flat instruments
Mastering the Language of Jazz
Coffin, Jeff, Koautor

Award-winning jazz educator Caleb Chapman and multiple GRAMMY« Award-winning
saxophonist Jeff Coffin have created a highly effective approach to jazz
articulation. Step by step, The Articulate Jazz Musician details Caleb's
proven approach for mastering the fundamentals of jazz articulation,
phrasing, and interpretation. The play-along tracks are designed for C,
B-flat, E-flat, and bass clef instruments. Rhythm section instruments can use
the play-along tracks as a 'how to play it' reference. The tracks feature a
world-class quartet of Jeff Coffin (tenor saxophone), Victor Wooten (bass),
Roy 'Futureman' Wooten (drums), and Chris Walters (piano). This method makes
approaching jazz articulation easy and fun. Follow the explanations, do lots
of listening, play along, practice what you have heard, and before long, you
too will be an articulate jazz musician! This title is available in
Verlag:Alfred Music Publishing GmbH

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