Great songs from musicals

Preis: 25,99 €

auf Lager

Art.-Nr.: 0010528

EAN: 9789043110716

Great Songs from Musicals (+CD): for saxophone (a/t)
Campbell, Don, arr.
Gistelinck, P., arr.
Big Spender - Sweet Charity
Love Changes everything - Aspects of love
With a little Bit of Luck - my Fair Lady
I could have danced all Night - my Fair Lady
One - a Chorus Line
If I were a rich Man - Fiddler on the Roof
Shake your tail Feather - the Blues Brothers
All I ask of you - the Phantom of the Opera
Any Dream will do - Joseph and the Amazing
Wishing you were somehow here again - the Phantom.
Verlag:De Haske Publications BV

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