Lowell, Jazz Duets Etudes

Preis: 18,99 €

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Art.-Nr.: 0047380

EAN: 9780876392065

Lowell, Richard
Jazz Duets for B-flat, C or E-flat instruments
Etudes for Phrasing and Articulation
Learn to play with jazz phrasing and articulation. These 27 duets are in jazz
and jazz-influenced styles such as swing, bebop, funk, samba, and others.
They are appropriate for performance by any melodic instruments. The duets
feature independent contrapuntal lines, and practicing them will give you
intimate insight into how these constructs sound and can be used to create a
wide variety of colors. You will improve your ear, sense of timing, phrasing,
and your facility in bringing theoretical principles into musical expression.
You will learn to use: jazz staccato and legato articulations · scales,
modes, harmonies and other structures · various meters and ways of
interpreting them · phrasing within and between measures · swing feel · and
Verlag:Berklee Media

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