Blémant, 20 Études Mélodiques vol.1 (no.1-10

Preis: 27,99 €

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Art.-Nr.: 0047809

EAN: 9790046158018

Blémant, Louis
20 Études Mélodiques vol.1 (no.1-10) pour tous les saxophones
Louis Blémant (1864-1934) was known in his day as a prolific composer,
arranger, conductor and performer. With 336 works to his name, it is his 20
Melodic Studies for all Saxophones which enables Blémant to remain revered to
this day. 20 Melodic Studies for all Saxophones is arranged in two volumes,
with the first containing ten significant exercises for the instrument. These
studies focus on rhythm, articulation, dynamics, range, accidentals, note
values, ornamentation, intervals and performance directions, among other
musical aspects. For all aspiring saxophonists, 20 Melodic Studies by Louis
Blémant is not to be missed!
Verlag:Alphonse Leduc

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