25 Great Clarinet Solos

Preis: 31,50 €

auf Lager

Art.-Nr.: 0050023

EAN: 9781540066329

25 Great Clarinet Solos (+Online Audio) for clarinet
From Benny Goodman and Jan Van Halen to Kathy Jenson and Buddy DeFranco, take a look at the genesis of pop clarinet. Includes solo transcriptions in standard notation, lessons on how to play them, professionally recorded audio performances, play-along backing tracks, biographies, instrument information, photos, history, and more. Songs include: Bugle Call Rag (Pee Wee Russell) · Come (Kathy Jensen) · A Foggy Day (In London Town) (Buddy DeFranco) · Nightmare (Artie Shaw) · Rhapsody in Blue (Ross Gorman) · Scenes from an Italian Restaurant (Richie Cannata) · Sing, Sing, Sing (Benny Goodman) · Stardust (Artie Shaw) · When I'm Sixty-Four (Burns, MacKenzie, Reidy) · and more! Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.
Verlag:Hal Leonard

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