Bach, Cello-Suiten

Preis: 22,50 €

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Art.-Nr.: 0047208

EAN: 9780825896774

Bach, Johann Sebastian
6 Cello Suites for clarinet
Clark, Larry, ed
Bach's Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello are some of the most frequently
performed and recognizable solo compositions. The six suites have been
meticulously transcribed, adapting articulation, double stops, and octave
shifts to help each instrument mimic the cello as much as possible. Now
available for a whole new group of instrumentalists to enjoy, these are
must-haves for teachers and students alike.

Suite I in G major, BWV 1007
Suite II in D Minor, BWV 1008
Suite III in C Major, BWV 1009
Suite IV in Eb Major, BWV 1010
Suite V in C Minor, BWV 1011
Suite VI in D Major, BWV 1012
Verlag:Carl Fischer Distribution

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