Tons of Tunes

Preis: 20,99 €

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Art.-Nr.: 0013543

EAN: 9789043116862

Tons of Tunes for the Holidays (+CD) for clarinet 32 fun-to-play familiar pieces
Nova 12/02

Adam, a. arr.

Hannickel, m., arr.

Jingle bells

Jolly old st. nicholas

Up on the house top

The dreydl song
O come little children
Good king wenceslas
We wish you a merry christmas
O come all ye faithfull
We three kings
God rest ye merry gentlemen
O chanukah
Silent night
The coventry carol
Away in a manger
O christmas tree
Angels we have heard on high

Bring a torch jeanette

Deck the halls

Oh little town of bethlehem

Hark the herald angels

It came upon a midnight clear

Joy to the world

The first noel
I heart the bells on christmas day
We gather together
Over the river
What child is this
Overture from the nutcracker
Dance of the sugar-plum fairy
Auld lang syne

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