The best of the Beatles

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Art.-Nr.: 0037793

EAN: 9780793521432

The best of the Beatles: 92 songs for clarinet solo
All my loving
All you need is Love
And I love her
Anytime at all
Back in the USSR
The Ballad of John and Yoko
Can't buy me Love
Come together
A Day in the Life
Day Tripper
Drive my Car
Eight Days a Week
Eleanor Rigby
Every little Thing
The Fool on the Hill
Get back
Getting better
Good Day Sunshine
Got to get you into my Life
A hard Day's Night
Hello goodbye
Helter Skelter
Here comes the Sun
Here there and everywhere
Hey Jude
I am the Walrus
I don't want to spoil the Party
I feel fine
I should have known better
I want to hold your Hand
I will
I'll cry instead
I'll follow the Sun
I'm a loser
I'm happy just to dance with you
I'm looking through you
I've just seen a Face
If I fell
In my Life
It won't be long
It's only Love
Lady Madonna
Let it be
The long and winding Road
Love me do
Lucy in the Sky
Magical Mystery Tour
Martha my Dear
No reply
Norwegian Wood
Nowhere Man
P.S. I love you
Paperback Writer
Penny Lane
Please please me
Run for your Life
Sgt. Pepper's lonely Hearts Club Band
She came in through the Bathroom Window
She's a Woman
Strawberry Fields
Tell me why
Thank you Girl
Things we said today
This Boy
Ticket to ride
Twist and shout
We can work it out
When I'm sixty-four
While my Guitar gently weeps
With a little Help
The Word
Yellow Submarine
Yes it is
You can't do that
You never give me your Money
You won't see me
You're going to lose that Girl
You've got to hide your Love away
Your Mother should know
Verlag:Hal Leonard

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