Fleming, The Irish Fluter

Preis: 20,99 €

auf Lager

Art.-Nr.: 0004474

EAN: 9781844178254

The Irish Fluter Reels, Jigs and other traditional irish melodies for flute and piano
Fleming, Colin, arr.

Getty, Keith, piano accomp.

Believe me if all those endearing young Charms


Londonderry Air


The Bard of Armagh
The Harp that once through Tara's Halls
The Isle of Innisfree
Tha last Rose of Summer
The spinning Wheel
The Blackthorn Stick
The Frost is all over
The Bush in Bloom
Saddle the Pony
The Connaught Man's Rambles
The Irish Washerwoman
Bonnie Kate
The Mountain Lark
The wild Irishman
Verlag:Kevin Mayhew Publishers

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