Traditional tunes of our Islands

Preis: 15,50 €

auf Lager

Art.-Nr.: 0022135

EAN: 9781844177875

Traditional Tunes of our Islands: for flute and piano
The most popular traditional Tunes from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales
All through the Night
Annie Laurie
Be Thou my Vision
Believe me if all those endearing young Charms
Danny Boy
David of the white Rock
Early one Morning
Golden Slumbers
Loch Lomond
My Bonnie lies over the Ocean
On Ilkley Moor baht 'at
The Arethusa
The Ash Grove
The blue Bell of Scotland
The Harp that once through Tara's Halls
The last Rose of Summer
The rising of the Lark
Ye Banks and Braes
Verlag:Kevin Mayhew Publishers

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