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Fun flute duets

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Art.-Nr.: 0020414

EAN: 9790570246847

Fun Flute Duets score
Potter, Chris, ed
Food glorious Food from Oliver (Bart)
Overture from The Nutcracker (Tschaikowsky)
Rondo from Hamburger Sonata in G (C.P.E.Bach)
Turkey in the Straw
Aria no.4 from Coffee Cantata (Bach)
Here we com A-wassailling
Danny Boy
Molly Malone
The Irish Washerwoman
The Rakes of Mallow
Believe me if all those endearing young Charms
Staten Island Ferry
The Addams Family
In the Hall of the Mountain King (Grieg)
The Sorcerer's (Dukas)
Night on the Bare Mountain (Mussorgsky)
Funeral March of a Marionette (Gounod)
Il Cardellino from Concerto in D (Vivaldi)
Three blind Mice
The Flight of the Bumble-Bee (Rimsky-Korsakow)
The Swan (Saint-Saens)
The Elephant (Saint-Saens)
Prélude ŕ l'aprčs-midi d'un faune (Debussy)
The Cat from Peter and the Wolf (Prokofieff)
The Wolf from Peter and the Wolf (Prokofieff)
The Duck from Peter and the Wolf (Prokofieff)
The Bird from Peter and the Wolf (Prokofieff)
Battle Hymn of the Republic
The Star-spangled Banner
Yankee Doodle
The Stars and Stripes forever
Amrica the Beautiful
You're a grand old Flag
Anchors aweigh
When Johnny comes marching home
Verlag:Kevin Mayhew Publishers

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