Sancan, Sonatine
Preis: 19,99 €
auf Lager
Art.-Nr.: 0018273
EAN: 9790044093717
Sancan, Pierre | |
Sonatine pour flűte et piano | |
Pierre Sancans Sonatine for flute and piano is the very image of its composer: surprising, sensitive, and possessed of great elegance. It is a virtuoso piece with a unique aesthetic. Introduction et notes dinterprétation par Bruno Jouard. Musique française is a series designed for students and teachers as well as professionals. These editions offer masterworks in French music, with performance suggestions and historical and stylistic commentary by noted scholars. | |
Verlag: | Durand S.A. |
Verlagsnummer: | DF01635800 |
ISBN: | 978-1-495-09568-9 |
ISMN: | M-044-09371-7 |
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