Celtic flute made easy

Preis: 19,50 €

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Art.-Nr.: 0039155

EAN: 9780786692125

Celtic Flute made easy (+online-audio+PDF): for flute and piano
McCaskill, Mizzy, ed
Gilliam, Dona, ed
Leinster Ballad
Bonnie Doon
Down by the Salley Gardens
The next Market Day
Connemara Lullaby
I wish I had the Shepherd's Lamb
The Rising of the Moon
The Irish Washerwoman
The Minstrel Boy
The Gartan Mother's Lullaby
Give me your Hand
Larry O'Gaff
The Eavesdropper
Clear Fountain
Old Irish Air
Donegal Air
She moved thro' the Fair
Auld lang Syne
Sheeberg and Sheemore
Morgan Nagan
Molly Malone
Loch Lomond
Star of the COunty down
Shule Aaron
Danny Boy
Oh Gus Neil
Verlag:Mel Bay Publications

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