Flöte & Audio - Aus aller Welt
10 Etudes latino-americaines
EDITIONS HENRY LEMOINE - L28115 - 10 études latino-americaines vol.1 (+CD) pour flűte et piano |
34,60 € |
10 Etudes latino-americaines Bd.2
EDITIONS HENRY LEMOINE - L28706 - 10 études latino-americaines vol.2 (+CD) pour flűte et piano |
34,60 € |
12 Songs of the British Isles
Scherzando Music Publ. - 1892-12-400S - 12 Songs of the British Isles (+CD): for flute |
25,99 € |
A Celtic Top Ten
Kevin Mayhew Publishers - KMP3611577 - A celtic Top Ten (+CD): for flute |
15,50 € |
A new Tune a Day - Performance Pieces
THE BOSTON MUSIC COMPANY - BM11803 - A new Tune a Day (+CD) Performance Pieces for flute (with chord symbols) |
18,99 € |
All time Klezmers
De Haske Publications BV - 1245-05-400DHI - All Time Klezmers (+CD) für Flöte |
26,99 € |
Amazing animals
FENTONE MUSIC - F783-400 - Amazing Animals (+CD) for flute |
24,99 € |
Appermont, Melodic highlights
Beriato Music B.V.B.A. - BMI11050525-400 - Melodic Highlights (+CD) for flute and piano |
23,99 € |
Argentinian Tango and Folk tunes
Schott Music London (Schott Music Ltd) - ED13514D - Argentinian Tango and Folk Tunes (+Online Audio) for flute |
20,50 € |
Arriagada, 10 Pièces latino américaines
EDITIONS HENRY LEMOINE - L29301 - 10 Pičces latino américaines (+CD) pour flűte et piano |
32,60 € |
Carolan's Concerto
Schott Music London (Schott Music Ltd) - ED13056 - Carolan's Concerto (+CD) für Violine (Flöte/Oboe) und Klavier, Violoncello (Fagott) ad lib, Stimme... |
21,50 € |
Celtic flute made easy
Mel Bay Publications - MB21348M - Celtic Flute made easy (+online-audio+PDF): for flute and piano |
19,50 € |
Celtic Folksongs
CURNOW PRESS, INC. - CMP1031-05-400 - Celtic folksongs for all ages (+CD): für C-Instrumente (Flöte/Oboe/Violione etc.) Curnow, J., Bearb. |
18,99 € |
Celtic folksongs for all ages
CURNOW PRESS, INC. - CMP1031-05-400 - Celtic folksongs for all ages (+CD): für C-Instrumente (Flöte/Oboe/Violione etc.) Curnow, J., Bearb. |
18,99 € |
Celtic Music
A.D.G. Productions - ADG043 - Celtic Music (+online audio) for Flute |
30,99 € |
Celtic music vol. II
A.D.G. Productions - ADG087 - Celtic Music vol.2 (+Online Audio) for flute |
30,99 € |
Circus Time
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1125242-400 - Circus Time (+CD) for flute |
25,99 € |
Circus Time - AUDIO
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1125242-404 - Circus Time (+Online-Audio) for flute |
24,99 € |
Colours of the world
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1043540-400 - Colours of the World (+CD) for flute |
20,99 € |
Die schönsten Folksongs
Schott Music - ED20866D - Die schönsten Folksongs (+Online Audio) für Querflöte (zusätzlich mit 2.Stimme) |
15,50 € |
Die schönsten Herbst- & Winterlieder, & CD
Schott Music - ED20202-50 - Die schönsten Herbst- und Winterlieder (+CD) für 1-2 Flöten |
17,50 € |
Easy Folk Flute
Schott Music London (Schott Music Ltd) - ED13845 - Easy Folk Flute (+CD): für Flöte |
20,50 € |
Easy Piazzolla
Edizioni Curci - CUR11899 - Easy Piazzolla (+CD) for flute (oboe) |
21,20 € |
Eight Rounds
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1084486-400 - 8 Rounds (+CD) für 3 Flöten, Klavier und Bass ad lib Stimmen |
25,99 € |
Engelhardt, Colors & moods 2
Breitkopf & Härtel - EB8892 - Colors and Moods Band 2 (+CD) für 1-2 Flöten (Klavier ad lib) Spielpartitur (mit Klavierstimme zum Ausdrucken als PDF)... |
24,90 € |
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1023339-400 - Explorations (+CD) 8 Pieces for flute |
26,99 € |
Fain, Die Flöte im Tango
Tango Sin Fin Asociacion Civil - SY2920 - Die Flöte im Tango (+2 CD's) (d/fr) |
58,00 € |
Favorite Celtic Melodies
CHERRY LANE MUSIC - HL02501854 - Favorite Celtic Melodies (+CD): for flute |
15,60 € |
Flute Globetrotters
Oxford University Press - 9780193376854 - Flute Globetrotters (+Online Audio) for flute |
22,40 € |
Folk & More
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1064001-400 - Folk and More (+CD) for flute |
25,99 € |
Folk Roots for flute
Boosey & Hawkes Publishers Ltd. - BH12678 - Folk Roots for Flute (+ CD) für Flöte und Klavier |
17,99 € |
Funtime Favourites
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1074272-400 - Funtime Favourites (+CD) for flute |
25,99 € |
Gardner, Sentimento brasileiro
EDITIONS HENRY LEMOINE - L28048 - Sentimento Brasileiro (+CD) pour flute (ou tout instrument en ut) et piano |
28,70 € |
Gospel for two
CURNOW PRESS, INC. - CMP1224-07-400 - Gospel for two (+CD) for C instruments (flute, oboe and others) score |
18,99 € |
Hellbach, Moods - 2 Flöten & Klav.
Acanthus-Music GmbH - ACM290 - Moods Band 1 (+CD) für 2 Flöten und Klavier Stimmen |
20,00 € |
Hellbach, Postcards Vol.1
Acanthus-Music GmbH - ACM276 - Postcards vol.1 (+CD) for flute and piano |
20,00 € |
Hey Klezmorim! - Flöte & Klavier
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1196145-404 - Hey Klezmorim (+Audio online): for flute and piano |
26,99 € |
Hot Salsa!
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1053906-404 - Hot salsa (+Online Audio) for flute |
23,99 € |
Irish Favorites
Hal Leonard - HL00842489 - Irish Favorites (+Online Audio) for flute |
20,99 € |
Irish Folk Tunes
Schott Music London (Schott Music Ltd) - ED13360D - Irish Folk Tunes (+Online Audio) for flute |
20,50 € |
Irish Folk Tunes vol.2
Schott Music - ED23323 - Irish Folk Tunes vol.2 (+Online Audio) for flute |
20,50 € |
Irish Melodies
De Haske Publications BV - 1249-05-404DHI - Irish Melodies (+Online Audio) for flute |
26,99 € |
Irish Session Tunes, The Green Book
Ossian Publications - OMB363 - Irish Session Tunes - the green Book (+2 CD's): for melody instrument |
23,99 € |
CURNOW PRESS, INC. - CMP0678-02-400 - Jubilee! Play-Along Spirituals (+CD) for C instruments (flute, oboe, violin) |
20,99 € |
Kids play easy solo
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1012693-400 - Kids Play Easy Solo (+CD) für Flöte |
23,99 € |
Klein, Klapplu-10 Stücke für 2 Stimmen & Begl
Achmusik - ACH1102-1 - Klaplu (+CD) für 2 Flöten und Klavier |
19,80 € |
Klezmer Musicale - mit optionalem Bass
Schell Music - SM11187 - Klezmer musicale (+Online Audio) für Flöte (Bassinstrument ad lib) 2 Spielpartituren |
30,95 € |
Klezmer Play-Alongs für Querflöte
Alfred Music Publishing GmbH - ALF20214G - Klezmer Playalong (+CD) für Querflöte |
19,95 € |
La Flauta Romantica
Mitropa - 1945-14-400M - La flauta romantica (+CD) for flute and piano |
31,50 € |
Latin Nights
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1125246-400 - Latin Nights (+CD) for flute |
25,99 € |
Latin Themes
Schott Music London (Schott Music Ltd) - ED12992 - Latin Themes (+CD) für Flöte (Klavierbegleitung als PDF zum Ausdrucken) |
20,50 € |
Liederzeit - Volkslieder, Folk & Gospel
Schott Music - ED21896-50 - Liederzeit (+CD) für 1-2 Flöten Spielpartitur |
17,50 € |
Loco for Latin
CURNOW PRESS, INC. - CMP0754-02-400 - Loco for Latin (+CD): 10 Pieces for Flute in Latin Style |
19,99 € |
Magical Moments
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1084415-400 - Magical Moments (+CD) for Flute |
24,99 € |
Matejko, Tango Playalongs
Alfred Music Publishing GmbH - ALF20238G - Tango Playalongs (+CD): für Flöte |
19,95 € |
Moments of Latin - pieces in caribbean style
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1074350-400 - Moments of Latin (+CD) for flute |
27,99 € |
Mower's Junior musical postcards
Boosey & Hawkes Publishers Ltd. - BH2000871 - Junior Musical Postcards (+CD) for flute |
20,00 € |
Mower's musical postcards
Boosey & Hawkes Publishers Ltd. - BH2000494 - Musical Postcards (+ CD) für Flöte (und Klavier ad libitum) |
20,00 € |
My first Melodies
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1063995-400 - My first melodies (+CD) for flute 34 children's tunes |
25,99 € |
My first Solos
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1053941-400 - My first solos (+CD) für Flöte 25 easy pieces |
25,99 € |
Najfar, Flute for Fun
Pro Musica - EC1079 - Flute for Fun (+CD) für Flöte und Klavier |
25,40 € |
Naulais, Flutonic Vol.1
Gerard Billaudot - GB7094 - Flutonic vol.1 (+CD) pour flűte |
26,70 € |
Naulais, Flutonic Vol.2
Gerard Billaudot - GB7095 - Flutonic (+CD) vol.2: pour flűte avec accompagnement sur la CD (piano, guitare basse, batterie et percussion) |
26,70 € |
Norton, Concert Collection
Boosey & Hawkes Publishers Ltd. - BH11670 - Concert Collection for Flute (+ CD) für Flöte und Klavier |
18,00 € |
Oh Happy Day! Gospels, Spirituals
Raisch Musikverlag - MR3012 - Oh happy Day vol.1 (+2 CD's) für 1-2 Flöten |
17,90 € |
Old Mac Donald spielt Flöte
Schott Music - ED21103 - Old Mac Donald spielt Flöte (+CD) für 1-2 Flöten Spielpartitur |
22,50 € |
Ombredane, Colorissimo Vol.1
Gerard Billaudot - GB7784 - Colorissimo vol.1 (+CD) pour 1-2 flutes partition |
30,30 € |
Ombredane, Colorissimo Vol.2
Gerard Billaudot - GB7785 - Colorissimo vol.2 (+CD) pour 1-2 flutes partition |
30,30 € |
Ombredane, Colorissimo Vol.3
Gerard Billaudot - GB7786 - Colorissimo Band 3 (+CD): für 1-2 Flöten Latin-Ensemble als CD-Begleitung |
34,00 € |
Piazzolla Tangos
Boosey & Hawkes Publishers Ltd. - BHI10794 - Tangos (+Online Audio) for flute |
19,50 € |
Piazzolla, Astor El viaje Flöte, Klavier ad l
Boosey & Hawkes Publishers Ltd. - BH13838 - El viaje (+Online-Audio) for flute |
14,50 € |
Piazzolla, Astor Vuelvo al sur Klarinette, Kl
Boosey & Hawkes Publishers Ltd. - BH13842 - Vuelvo al sur (+Online-Audio) for clarinet |
14,50 € |
Piazzolla, El viaje-14 Tangos & andere Stücke
Boosey & Hawkes Publishers Ltd. - BH12069 - El viaje (+ CD) für Flöte und Klavier |
19,00 € |
Piazzolla, Vuelvo al sur-noch nicht erschiene
Boosey & Hawkes Publishers Ltd. - BH13843 - Vuelvo al sur (+Online-Audio) for flute |
14,50 € |
Universal Edition - UE31782 - Playalong Flute (+CD): 3 Tangos |
22,50 € |
Play Klezmer
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1043565-400 - Play Klezmer (+CD): für Flöte |
26,99 € |
Play-ALong Latin with a live band
Music Sales Limited - AM997634 - Playalong Latin with a Live Band (+Online Audio) for flute |
22,99 € |
Power up!
FENTONE MUSIC - F861-400 - Power up (+CD) for flute and piano |
24,99 € |
Rae, City Snapshots
Universal Edition - UE21742 - City Snapshots (+CD) für 1-2 Flöten (Klavier ad lib) Stimmen (Klavier als pdf zum Ausdrucken) |
17,50 € |
Romantic Latin
De Haske Publications BV - 0514-99-400DHI - Romantic latin (+CD): für Flöte |
25,99 € |
Russian Dreams - arr. by Cesarini
Mitropa - 1772-11-400M - Russian Dreams (+CD) for flute and piano |
31,50 € |
Russische Lieder und Romanzen
Doblinger Musikverlag - DOBL01836 - Russische Lieder und Romanzen (+CD) für Klavier (Klavier zu 4 Händen, Gesang und Klavier) |
23,95 € |
Scandinavian Folk Tunes
Schott Music London (Schott Music Ltd) - ED13720 - Scandinavian Folk Tunes (+CD) for 1-2 flutes score |
20,50 € |
Schulte, Mit der Flöte unterwegs
Zimmermann Musikverlag KG - ZM35670 - Mit der Flöte unterwegs (+CD) für Flöte und Klavier |
16,00 € |
Searle, Nova Bossa
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1033392-404 - Nova Bossa (+Online Audio) for flute |
23,99 € |
Section 3 - Modern Beats for 3 flutes
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1074380-400 - Section 3 (+CD) für 3 Flöten, Drumset ad lib Partitur und Stimmen |
26,99 € |
Seemannslieder Classics
Pro Musica - EC023546 - Seemannslieder Classics (+CD): Playbacks für C-Instrumente (Baß und Violinschlüssel) (CD mit Original und Playbacks) |
25,40 € |
Shanty Play-Alongs
Alfred Music Publishing GmbH - ALF20301G - Shanty Play -Alongs (+CD+Online Audio)) für Querflöte |
16,95 € |
Take it away
B.V. Muziekuitgeverij X.Y.Z. - XYZ1293 - Take it away (+CD) for flute |
16,99 € |
Take it easy
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1084556-400 - Take it easy (+CD) for flute |
25,99 € |
Take the lead - British Isles Folk Songs
Faber Music Ltd. - 190369275X - Take the Lead (+CD): British Isles Folk Songs for flute |
14,99 € |
Take the lead - Latin
Faber Music Ltd. - 7259A - Take the Lead (+CD): Latin for flute original und backingtracks |
14,99 € |
Tango for two - Flöte & CD
Edition Dux Halbig GbR - DUX955CD - Tango for two (+CD): für Flöte |
19,80 € |
Tango Time! - Flöte
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1053928-400 - Tango Time (+CD): für Flöte |
26,99 € |
Tangos & Milongas
Schell Music - SM11170 - Tangos und Milongas (+Online Audio) für Querflöte |
26,95 € |
Tasty tunes
FENTONE MUSIC - F877-400 - Tasty tunes (+CD) für Flöte und Klavier short repertoire or concert pieces |
24,99 € |
The Irish Flute Book
Schott Music - ED21646D - The Irish Flute Book (+Online Audio) for flute (recorder/tin whistle) |
16,00 € |
The majesty of gospel
Schott Music - ED9696 - The Majesty of Gospel (+CD) for flute |
20,00 € |
Theisinger, Kissed by a flute
Edition Dux Halbig GbR - DUX902 - Kissed by a Flute (+CD) für Flöte und Gitarre Partitur und Stimme |
19,80 € |
Timeless classics for flute & guitar
FENTONE MUSIC - F881-400 - Timeless Classics (+CD) for flute and guitar |
26,99 € |
Tons of tunes for the beginner
CURNOW PRESS, INC. - CMP0664-02-400 - Tons of Runes for the Beginner (+CD) for flute 32 fun-to-play familiar melodies |
20,99 € |
Tons of tunes for the holidays
CURNOW PRESS, INC. - CMP0697-02-400 - Tons of Tunes for the Holidays (+CD) for soprano (tenor) saxophone 32 FUN-TO-PLAY FAMILIAR PIECES |
20,99 € |
Travellers' Tales
FENTONE MUSIC - F939-400 - Travellers' Tales (+CD) for flute and piano |
25,99 € |
Tune up the fiddle!
Schott Music London (Schott Music Ltd) - ED12863 - Tune up the Fiddle (+CD) for violin, piano and violoncello ad lib. |
21,50 € |
Two is a team
De Haske Publications BV - DHP1125290-400 - Two is a Team (+CD) für Flöte und Klavier |
24,99 € |
World famous folksongs
FENTONE MUSIC - F902-400 - World famous Folksongs (+CD) for flute |
25,99 € |
World music: Argentina
Universal Edition - UE34162 - World Music Argentina (+CD): für Flöte und Klavier |
19,95 € |
World music: Balkan
Universal Edition - UE35575 - World Music Balkan (+CD): für Flöte und Klavier |
19,95 € |
World music: Brazil
Universal Edition - UE34156 - World Music Brazil (+CD): für Flöte und Klavier |
20,95 € |
World Music: Celtic
Universal Edition - UE37211 - World Music Celtic (+CD): für Flöte und Klavier |
19,95 € |
World music: Chinese Flute Solos
Schott Music London (Schott Music Ltd) - ED12436D - Chinese Flute Solos (+Online Audio) für Flöte |
20,50 € |
World Music: Cuba
Universal Edition - UE34141 - World Music Cuba (+CD): für Flöte und Klavier |
19,95 € |
World music: Ireland
Universal Edition - UE34144 - World Music Ireland (+CD): für Flöte und Klavier |
19,95 € |
World music: Israel
Universal Edition - UE34148 - World Music Israel (+CD): für Flöte und Klavier |
19,95 € |
World music: Klezmer
Universal Edition - UE34165 - World Music Klezmer (+CD): für Flöte und Klavier |
19,95 € |
World music: Madagascar
Universal Edition - UE34159 - World Music Madagascar (+CD): für Flöte und Klavier |
22,50 € |
World music: Madagascar
13,50 € |
World music: Russia
Universal Edition - UE34151 - World Music Russia (+CD): für Flöte und Klavier |
19,95 € |
World music: Schottland
Universal Edition - UE34153 - World Music Scotland (+CD): für Flöte und Klavier |
19,95 € |
Zalba, Flute Soneando
Advance Music - ADV8510 - Flute Soneando (+CD) - The FLute in Cuban Popular Music |
29,95 € |
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