The music of Duke Ellington

Preis: 15,95 €

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Art.-Nr.: 0009590

EAN: 9780769277875

Ellington, Duke
The Music of Duke Ellington plus one (+CD): for flute
20 great songs to play


Boy meets Horn


Day Dream

Do nothin' till you hear from me
Don't get around much anymore
Hit me with a hot note and watch me Bounce!
I got it bad (and that ain't good)
In a sentimental Mood
It don't mean a Thing (if it ain't got that Swing)
The Jeep is jumping
Just squeeze me (but don't tease me)
Old King Dooji
Paris Blues
Prelude to a Kiss
Satin Doll
Sophisticated Lady

Take the A Train
Verlag:Alfred Music Publishing GmbH

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